2016-17 Unit Plan

Mission Statement

The Office of Institutional Advancement manages public relations, marketing, and the non-profit Foundation. 推进办公室下设规划、研究和组织发展. 规划研究和组织发展副总裁提供监督,并与机构进步主任密切合作.   皇冠新现金网基金会是一个501 (c)3组织,它的存在是为了帮助皇冠新现金网的使命,并支持超过17所学校,000 students annually. 该基金会与学院有一个主协议,最近于2014年更新.

Program Description

机构进步办公室负责501c3非营利基金会的运作. Founded over 23 years ago, the Foundation exists to benefit the College. The Advancement Office manages the day to day oversight of the Foundation, 100 endowments, all donations, 600 student scholarships, 150 department accounts, and two large events per year.  The Foundation has a volunteer board of directors and has 2.5 staff to assist with strategic objectives.

1.  The college leadership has the planning processes, 数据资源和协作机制,有效地协调机构努力完成任务, support student learning, and implement strategic initiatives.  
     -  Assessment Mechanisms:   Scholarship Distribution
     -  Assessment Cycle:  Ongoing.  The Foundation distributes scholarships to 600 students annually.
 -  Analysis of Results.  In a recent survey of similar Foundations in California, 研究发现,皇冠新现金网基金会(Butte College Foundation)为600名学生提供的服务几乎是最多的. In 2013/14, the Foundation awarded 156 student scholarships and in 2014/15, a total of 252 student scholarships were awarded, an increase of 62%. The Foundation also distributed an additional $244,468 in external scholarships in 2013/14 and that amount increased to $253,844 in 2014/15

2. The college and its programs have the support, collaborative mechanisms, 以及获取和成功管理支持创新和学生成功的外部资源的结构.g. grants, gifts, bequests, donations, etc.)  
      -  Assessment Mechanism:  Amounts received through grants totaled $28,000, we have increased the number of scholarships offered by 62 percent, and increased donations. 此外,基金会每年管理150个机构/部门帐户,总额为519 343美元. 

     -  Assessment Cycle:  Ongoing.
     - Analysis of Results:  
     目前,该基金会管理着100个捐赠基金,而之前的捐赠基金有87个,价值2美元.1 million.    2014-2015年,该基金会向600名学生颁发了总额为36.3万美元的奖学金. 最近的一项调查显示,与加州其他基金会相比,皇冠新现金网基金会为大量学生提供服务.

Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes

该基金会与皇冠新现金网密切合作,并支持学院的五个行政单位成果. Additionally, 基金会于2013年采用了“赞赏调查”(AI)流程的战略计划. 

1.  基金会董事会是一个高效和有凝聚力的组织,为皇冠新现金网基金会提供有效的领导和监督.  

2.    基金会开发和实施符合法律和法规要求的程序,并支持其倡议的有效实施.

3.   基金会与学院及其项目合作,资助有助于学生学习和成功的倡议和项目.

The Foundation manages 100 endowments totaling $2.4 million.该基金会每年向600多名学生发放超过35万美元的奖学金.The Foundation worked in 2014-15 with a local donor to secure a $100,000 endowment to benefit student veterans with scholarships in perpetuity. 该基金会每年管理200多个机构/部门帐户,总额超过55万美元. The Foundation takes department/agency deposits, reconciles all accounts, cuts checks, and handles all disbursement requests from the departments.

4. 到2023年,皇冠新现金网基金会筹集了1000万美元的新礼物、赠款和遗赠.  

Since 2012, the Foundation has jumped from 87 endowments to 100 endowments, generating an additional $200,000 in endowment revenue.

The Foundation increased its revenue by $1 million over a four year period


The Foundation created a new “Ways to Give” brochure.

Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (OSLED Departments)


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (All Other Departments)

产品部总裁和副总裁定期与基金会主任会面,以确保关键举措和优先事项的一致性. Additionally, two college trustees serve as liaisons to the Foundation.

该基金会致力于通过在整个学年提供学生奖学金来帮助学院达到学生成绩标准. Over 600 students receive scholarships on an annual basis.


Strategic Direction

Strategic Direction

该基金会的存在是为了使学院受益,并协助其使命和战略方向.  One area of particular alignment includes:

2.a.3.  Providing effective electronically mediated communication (e.g. website, social media, marketing materials, wi-fi access). 

STATUS: 基金会在1月至8月期间启动其在线奖学金计划,并在1月至3月底期间向学生通报奖学金的可用性. Using marketing tools and resources, the Foundation helps notify students via web, text, and email that scholarships are available for fall.

Program Review



Department Goals


These include:

1. 基金会董事会是一个高效和有凝聚力的组织,为皇冠新现金网基金会提供有效的领导和监督.

2. 基金会开发和实施符合法律和法规要求的程序,并支持其倡议的有效实施.

3. 基金会与学院及其项目合作,资助有助于学生学习和成功的倡议和项目.

4. 到2023年,皇冠新现金网基金会筹集了1000万美元的新礼物、赠款和遗赠.



Future Development Strategies

Strategy 1 - Foundation for California Community Colleges Survey

皇冠新现金网基金会正与加州社区学院基金会合作,调查类似或更大的基金会,以确定效率, staffing, and future fundraising opportunities.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success

Supporting Rationale

皇冠新现金网基金会已经收到了一些初步的调查信息,并了解到我们的基金会在工作人员少,资源有限的情况下,有效地为学生提供奖学金. The foundation serves 600 students with scholarships annually, which makes our college one of the top foundations of those surveyed.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 2 - Foundation Outcomes

Continue to improve the operations of the Foundation.

Specific steps include:

1) Working to ensure the Foundation achieves its strategic initiatives.

2) Work with auditors annnually for a successful audit.


4) Update and maintain bylaws.

5). Continue to look at efficiencies within Foundation operations.

6). 与外部组织和捐助者合作,继续支持学生奖学金.


  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

这一策略直接支持了基金会的主要战略举措,并为我们的学生提供了奖学金, programs, and services.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: Yes

Strategy 3 - Increase Endowments


1) Work to attract and reach new donors in the communities we serve.



  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

This strategy directly supports faculty and students.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: Yes

Requested Non-Financial Resources


Current Financial Resources


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